AKWorld’s programming for students allows us to cultivate curiosity about the world in Alaskan youth and expose students to the wide range of opportunities that become available with global perspective.

Thanks to long-standing support from community sponsors, we are able to make our programs and amazing speakers accessible to students. Featured speakers often visit students in their school classrooms, bringing their unique expertise directly to the students. Individual students and classroom groups are also invited to attend public programs at no cost to themselves allowing for prime community networking experience and top-notch global education.

Students interested in participating in public programs should register via the “Free Admission” ticket option available on each program page. Teachers interested in hosting visiting speakers or bringing a class group to a public program should contact Operations Director, Siobhan Choi, at programs@alaskaworldaffairs.org for more information.

AKWorld also offers free student memberships, giving students early access to to events, free admission to programs, and access to student opportunities for competitions, travel, and more! To become a student member, fill out our student membership form.