The Alaska World Affairs Council Presents

US National Security:
Six Top Issues For the 2012 Election &
Fall Leadership Meeting
Annual Membership Meeting


Sponsored by: Northrop Grumman, Goldman Sachs,
Raytheon, ExxonMobil, El Paso Corporation,
Hutchins Family Foundation

Friday, 2-4th November, 2011
Mayflower Hotel, Washington, DC

Click here to view the Conference Agenda
of confirmed speakers to date!

This year’s conference will launch the year long discussion on the Six Top National Security Issues facing the United States in the run-up to the 2012 presidential election, which were selected by our council network leadership: US Education: Competing Globally, US Energy Policy, Afghanistan/Pakistan, US Economic Competitiveness, the Middle East, and China

Join the Discussion!
Confirmed Speakers to Date:


Robin Wright United States Institute of Peace Senior Fellow on the Middle East

PHilip Taubman Consulting Professor Stanford University and former NY Times Reporter on National Security and the 2012 Election
Mark Penn Worldwide CEO, Burston-Marsteller; Advisor to Sen Clinton, 2008 Presidential Campaign on Election 2012: National Security Does it Matter
Senator Sam Nunn Co-Chairman and CEO of the Nuclear Threat Initiative on National Security and the 2012 Election
Ambassador John D. Negroponte Former Ambassador to Iraq and First Director of National

Ambassador Ronald Neumann Former US Ambassador to Afghanistan on Afghanistan/Pakistan


Bill McInturff Co-founder of Public Opinion Strategies and Lead Pollster for McCain 2008 on Election 2012: National Security Does it Matter
Richard Levin President, Yale University Keynote Dinner Speaker
General Michael Hayden Former Director of the CIA, NSA on Afghanistan/Pakistan
Stephen Hadley Former National Security Advisor on National Security and the 2012 Election
Ambassador Marc Grossman US Special Envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan, for the 1918 Society Breakfast (formerly Chairman’s Circle)
Ambassador Petr Gandalovic Ambassador of the Czech Republic on the Lessons of the Velvet Revolution on the Arab Spring
Doug Foshee Chairman, President and CEO of El Paso Corporation on the Future of Energy
Charlie Cook Editor and Publisher of the Cook Political Report on Election 2012: National Security Does it Matter
Gloria Borger CNN Chief Political Analyst on Election 2012: National Security Does it Matter